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dc.contributor.authorAdhiambo, Maureen Winga
dc.identifier.issn: 1990-3839
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to determine career decision making self efficacy by assessing career aspirations and attainment in National examinations. The objectives of the study were to: Find out the students sources of career information, assess career aspirations, and to determine career decision making self efficacy. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The study population consisted of 4200 students. A sample size of 420 was selected using stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaires and document analysis guide were used for data collection. Reliability was computed using test re-test and the co-efficient was 0.7. Content validity was ascertained in literature. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. It was noted that 55.08% of the students relied on their career masters for career guidance. Career aspirations were presented in a table. It was found that the students had poor career decision making self efficacy. Only 10.6% of the students attained the cut off points for their career aspiration. The study may be useful to teachers, counselors, administrators and parents who will be able to assist students in making worthwhile career choices.en_US
dc.publisherAcademic journalsen_US
dc.subjectCareer choice, academic achievement, career aspirations, career decision making self efficacy, secondary school, Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, career interest, national exams.en_US
dc.titleCareer aspirations and decision making self efficacy: Secondary School Students’assessment based on KCSE exams in Kenyaen_US

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