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dc.contributor.authorMuasya, TK
dc.contributor.authorMiyumo, Sa
dc.contributor.authorNgeno, Ka
dc.contributor.authorKhobondo, JO
dc.contributor.authorWasike, CB
dc.contributor.authorMagothe, TM
dc.contributor.authorKahi, AK
dc.description.abstractBody weight at 12 weeks of age records of 443 indigenous chicken, progeny of 44 sires were used to estimate preliminary results of selection for growth in indigenous chicken in Kenya after two generations of selection. Estimated breeding values were estimated using a sire model. Mean body weight at 12 weeks (BW12) among males and females was 666.7 and 550.1 g in generation 0, respectively. For generation 1, the respective body weight were 743.7 and 574.3 g. Mean estimated breeding values for both males and females for generation 1 were 177.9 and 17.4 g and were higher than those for generation 0, which were estimated at-1.1 and 1.6 g, respectively. The preliminary results of this study indicate a favourable change in BW12. Further analyses will quantify correlated response in subsequent body weights and egg production to inform the direction of the indigenous …en_US
dc.titlePreliminary selection results for body weight in indigenous chicken in Kenyaen_US

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